5 Reasons why 80% of Businesses will fail without product innovation and technology support by year 2025

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  • 5 Reasons why 80% of Businesses will fail without product innovation and technology support by year 2025

Most of the businesses are already at very high risk and in survival mode from last decade or so due to intense competition and staying relevant business to their customers.There are many reasons behind it,The primary reasons are technology and innovation.If any business is not keep innovating they become irrelevant and the customer will move to a different solutions available.Technology also playing a lot to today’s businesses success.Both of these innovation and technology should be forefront for the business leaders along with their core business planning and strengths.Today’s consumers are smart and they expect out of the box solutions,products at very fast pace and high quality.

Missing right technology and innovation team in your organisation

The answer is yes,but for the sake every large businesses or mnc type companies have followed the trend but outcome is almost negligible.Large enterprise companies have started centres of excellence (COE) and technology accelerators etc but those are for website and promotion purpose the real work is not done by commitment.so there are teams but no right teams to implement the next gen customer expectation products.All on vision and plan for CXO level leaders.The real work is not done only started and it’s like in parking mode.Identify right teams,customer expectations,new products and deliver on time,you will have an edge to win with your business and stay competitive.This efforts should be ongoing basis to see great results.Start outsourcing your product development and have an extended IT services team.

Automation is on the back seat

To be successful in today’s business world,automation is the major and key important thing.Automate all your business processes like HR,Supply chain,Customer service and support,marketing,field service,sales,IT support etc.By automating your core business processes you can save a lot of time and money,resources and have more time for new products,innovations.Check out Servicenow technology for your business automation and digital transformation.

Not adopting Cloud native apps and data privacy rules,cloud security

Recently we have seen in the month of july a massive data theft of capital one data breach who lost millions of customer private data and bank account details,credit card details etc.With that kind of problems,there is clearly high cloud security and data privacy with in the organisation and their ecosystem.If your business is not already adopting cloud native apps,cloud security then it’s the right time to start and protect your customers data and follow all data,compliance regulations.HunterTech is one of the top cloud native app development company in Bangalore,check it out.

Overall customer experience journey is broken

No matter how great the product is but customer experience and customer service is on the top priority of the list.The next gen millennial’s need some thing new and innovative otherwise there is no buyers.The customer expectation is at very high level.Plan your customer experience well and guess what your customer needs are.For this to do you need mobile apps,intuitive user interface and easy to navigate mobile responsive websites.

Not leveraging IT outsourcing and On demand developers

Every business is unique,some will sell food,some sell clothing etc similarly there is technical people who have unique skills and readily available to help you.It eases you from non core business functions,so you can concentrate on core business to stay highly competitive.IT outsourcing and offshore development is still relevant and going to increase as well.Take advantage of IT outsourcing and on demand developers.

Brought this article by HunterTech team, Software and IT oursourcing services company based in Bangalore works with different clients across North america,Europe,APAC.

Lets talk? Email us : hello@huntertechglobal.com


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